Publications with S. Garti
All publications by Shimon Garti and S. Shelah
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number | title |
Sh:878 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2008). On Depth and Depth^+ of Boolean algebras. Algebra Universalis, 58(2), 243–248. arXiv: math/0512217 DOI: 10.1007/s00012-008-2065-1 MR: 2386531 |
Sh:891 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2007). Two cardinal models for singular \mu. MLQ Math. Log. Q., 53(6), 636–641. arXiv: math/0612247 DOI: 10.1002/malq.200610053 MR: 2351585 |
Sh:911 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2011). Depth of Boolean algebras. Notre Dame J. Form. Log., 52(3), 307–314. arXiv: 0802.4185 DOI: 10.1215/00294527-1435474 MR: 2822491 |
Sh:949 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2012). A strong polarized relation. J. Symbolic Logic, 77(3), 766–776. arXiv: 1103.0350 DOI: 10.2178/jsl/1344862161 MR: 2987137 |
Sh:956 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2012). (\kappa,\theta)-weak normality. J. Math. Soc. Japan, 64(2), 549–559. arXiv: 1104.1491 MR: 2916079 |
Sh:962 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2012). Combinatorial aspects of the splitting number. Ann. Comb., 16(4), 709–717. arXiv: 1007.2266 DOI: 10.1007/s00026-012-0154-5 MR: 3000439 |
Sh:964 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2012). Strong polarized relations for the continuum. Ann. Comb., 16(2), 271–276. arXiv: 1103.5195 DOI: 10.1007/s00026-012-0130-0 MR: 2927607 |
Sh:974 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2019). Depth^+ and Length^+ of Boolean algebras. Houston J. Math., 45(4), 953–963. arXiv: 1303.3704 MR: 4102862 |
Sh:995 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2014). Partition calculus and cardinal invariants. J. Math. Soc. Japan, 66(2), 425–434. arXiv: 1112.5772 DOI: 10.2969/jmsj/06620425 MR: 3201820 |
Sh:1002 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2012). The ultrafilter number for singular cardinals. Acta Math. Hungar., 137(4), 296–301. arXiv: 1201.1713 DOI: 10.1007/s10474-012-0245-0 MR: 2992547 |
Sh:1012 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2016). Open and solved problems concerning polarized partition relations. Fund. Math., 234(1), 1–14. arXiv: 1208.6091 DOI: 10.4064/fm763-10-2015 MR: 3509813 |
Sh:1040 | Garti, S., Magidor, M., & Shelah, S. (2018). On the spectrum of characters of ultrafilters. Notre Dame J. Form. Log., 59(3), 371–379. arXiv: 1601.01409 DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2018-0006 MR: 3832086 |
Sh:1047 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2018). Random reals and polarized colorings. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar., 55(2), 203–212. arXiv: 1609.00242 DOI: 10.1556/012.2018.55.2.1393 MR: 3813351 |
Sh:1083 | Garti, S., Hayut, Y., & Shelah, S. (2017). On the verge of inconsistency: Magidor cardinals and Magidor filters. Israel J. Math., 220(1), 89–102. arXiv: 1601.07745 DOI: 10.1007/s11856-017-1510-2 MR: 3666820 |
Sh:1111 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2021). Double weakness. Acta Math. Hungar., 163(2), 379–391. arXiv: 2002.03573 DOI: 10.1007/s10474-021-01132-y MR: 4227788 |
Sh:1128 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. Length and Depth. Preprint. arXiv: 1804.05304 |
Sh:1143 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2020). Remarks on generalized ultrafilter, dominating and reaping numbers. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 250(2), 101–115. arXiv: 1806.09286 DOI: 10.4064/fm595-9-2019 MR: 4107530 |
Sh:1156 | Garti, S., Gitik, M., & Shelah, S. (2020). Cardinal characteristics at \aleph_\omega. Acta Math. Hungar., 160(2), 320–336. arXiv: 1812.05291 DOI: 10.1007/s10474-019-00971-0 MR: 4075404 |
Sh:1165 | Garti, S., Magidor, M., & Shelah, S. (2020). Infinite monochromatic paths and a theorem of Erdös-Hajnal-Rado. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27(2), 11 pages. arXiv: 1907.03254 DOI: 10.37236/8849 MR: 4245063 |
Sh:1179 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2023). Tiltan and superclub. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 361, 853–861. arXiv: 2305.09490 DOI: 10.5802/crmath.434 MR: 4616154 |
Sh:1219 | Benhamou, T., Garti, S., & Shelah, S. (2023). Kurepa trees and the failure of the Galvin property. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 151(3), 1301–1309. arXiv: 2111.11823 DOI: 10.1090/proc/16198 MR: 4531656 |
Sh:1236 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. Superclub, splitting, separating statements. Period. Math. Hungar. To appear. arXiv: 2302.00904 |
Sh:1249 | Garti, S., Hayut, Y., & Shelah, S. On a problem of Erdös and Hajnal. Preprint. |
Sh:1253 | Garti, S., & Shelah, S. Poésie Aristotélienne. Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin. To appear. |