- Golshani, M., & Shelah, S. On C^s_n(\kappa) and the Juhasz-Kunen question. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic. To appear. arXiv: 1709.06249
We generalize the combinatorial principles C_n(\kappa), C^s_n(\kappa) and Princ(\kappa) introduced by various authors, and prove some of their properties and connections between them. We also answer a question asked by Juhasz-Kunen about the relation between these principles, by showing that C_n(\kappa) does not imply C_{n+1}(\kappa), for any n>2. We also show the consistency of C(\kappa)+\neg C^s(\kappa). - No downloadable versions available.
Bib entry
@article{Sh:1125, author = {Golshani, Mohammad and Shelah, Saharon}, title = {{On $C^s_n(\kappa)$ and the Juhasz-Kunen question}}, journal = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic}, year = {to appear}, note = {\href{}{arXiv: 1709.06249}}, arxiv_number = {1709.06249} }