- Rosłanowski, A., & Shelah, S. Borel sets without perfectly many overlapping translations II. In. Preprint. arXiv: 1909.00937
For a countable ordinal \varepsilon we construct \Sigma^0_2 subset of the Cantor space for which we one may force \aleph_\varepsilon translations with intersections of size \geq 2\iota, but with no perfect set of such translations in any ccc extension. These sets have uncountably many translations with intersections of size \geq 2\iota in ZFC. - Version 2022-04-20 (31p)
Bib entry
@incollection{Sh:1170, author = {Ros{\l}anowski, Andrzej and Shelah, Saharon}, title = {{Borel sets without perfectly many overlapping translations II}}, note = {\href{}{arXiv: 1909.00937}}, arxiv_number = {1909.00937} }