- Shelah, S. Homogeneous forcing. Preprint.
Assume \kappa = \kappa^{<\kappa} (usually \aleph_0 or an inaccessible.)We shall deal with iterated forcings preserving {}^{\kappa>}Ord and not collapsing cardinals along a linear order. The aim is to have homogeneous ones, so that for some natural ideals on {}^\kappa2, we get a model of ZF + DC_\kappa\ + “modulo this ideal, every set is equivalent to a \kappa-Borel one."
The main application is improving the consistency result of Kellner and Shelah [Sh:859], and Horowitz and Shelah [Sh:1067] on saccharinity. But presently, the homogeneity is only for forcing — that is, ({Q}_t,\mathbf{q} \upharpoonright L_{\mathbf{q},t}) — not for names of \kappa-reals (which would suffice in the case of saccharinity).
- Version 2025-02-17 (28p)
Bib entry
@article{Sh:1257, author = {Shelah, Saharon}, title = {{Homogeneous forcing}} }