- Asgharzadeh, M., Golshani, M., & Shelah, S. Naturality and Definability III. Fund. Math. To appear. arXiv: 2309.02090
In this paper, we deal with the notions of naturality from category theory and definablity from model theory and their interactions. In this regard, we present three results. First, we show, under some mild conditions, that naturality implies definablity. Second, by using reverse Easton iteration of Cohen forcing notions, we construct a transitive model of ZFC in which every uniformisable construction is weakly natural. Finally, we show that if F is a natural construction on a class \mathcal K of structures which is represented by some formula, then it is uniformly definable without any extra parameters. Our results answer some questions by Hodges and Shelah. - Version 2023-09-05_2 (34p)
Bib entry
@article{Sh:1245, author = {Asgharzadeh, Mohsen and Golshani, Mohammad and Shelah, Saharon}, title = {{Naturality and Definability III}}, journal = {Fund. Math.}, year = {to appear}, note = {\href{}{arXiv: 2309.02090}}, arxiv_number = {2309.02090} }